Endnu et nyt dansk hold har netop set lyset for sig og er derfor gået officielle. LeftoverZ tæller spillere som blandt andre Nicolaj "Nico" Jensen, René "cajunb" Borg og ligeledes også Lukas "gla1ve" Rossander.

Nogle havde måske set den komme, da de deltog i DreamHack Summer 2014 kvalifikationen, hvor de dog måtte se et nederlag i øjnene efter kampen mod NO SIR. I dag er holdet gået officielle.


  • Lukas "gla1ve" Rossander
  • Nicolaj "Nico" Jensen
  • René "cajunb" Borg
  • Jacob "Pimp" Winneche
  • Finn "karrigan" Andersen

Holdkaptajn, gla1ve, fortæller uddybende følgende til HLTV.org:

I joined ESC because I wanted to play with aizy and my good friend crZy.

When aizy left the team after less than a week after we had joined it, I felt my motivation drop. Since my motivation was really low at this point, I didn't see any future in the lineup anymore, and the players who were up for grabs weren't able to replace aizy.

cajunb, Nico and karrigan were all teamless at this point and wanted to enjoy the summer season. Teaming up with them was the perfect opportunity for me to get to enjoy the summer as well, as I am not able to attend Dreamhack Summer anyway, and still have a team full of great players by the end of the season.

We decided to go official with this team after I left ESC. We will have the time to both enjoy our summer and still practice some.
I feel really motivated with my new team and I am sure we will be back stronger than ever when we start to practice a lot in august.

After making this lineup, we decided to add a last talented player, who we know can both perform and add something to the team. Therefore we asked Pimp to be our last player, and he decided to join up with us.

Det danske mandskab er på jagt efter et hjem at repræsentere i fremtiden, så sidder du og ønsker at give dette hold en chance ved at hive dem ind i varmen, kan de kontaktes på [email protected].