I starten af denne måned valgte midlaneren fra Gambit Gaming, Alex ”Alex Ich” Ichetovkin, at forlade holdet, hvorefter han senere sluttede sig til det nye Ninjas in Pyjamas. Det satte Gambit Gaming under et stort pres, da de snart skal spille sommersæson af EU LCS og manglede en spiller.

Gambit Gaming har testet flere spillere, og har derefter valgt Sebastian ”niQ” Robak. Han er dog blot en stand-in på nuværende tidspunkt, da de andre try-outs ikke kunne få visum til sæsonstart.

Gambit Gaming udtaler følgende på holdets hjemmeside:

niQ is going to perform for us at the first stage of LCS Summer, since potential candidates from CIS didn't have a chance to acquire a visa for a trip to Germany on a short notice. We will make a decision whether niQ will become a permanent player, or whether we will resuming searching for a new one, after completing the first four official matches.

Gambit Gaming er nu klar til EU LCS med denne nye lineup:

  • Evgeny “Darien” Mazaev
  • Danil “Diamond” Reshetnikov
  • Sebastian “niQ” Robak
  • Evgeny “Genja” Andryushin
  • Edward “EDward” Adbgarian

Sebastian “niQ” Robak har selv givet en kommentar til skiftet:

I feel very grateful to Gambit Gaming for choosing me amongst all others great mid laners to assist them in the beginning of this split. LCS Summer split is very important because it determines which teams will go to the biggest and most valued tournament, which is of course Season 4 World Championship. Everyone willing to go there has to focus from the very beginning as every match is important. During the first week we will face very good teams, but I am aiming only for a victory. Also, our first opponents are Roccat - my former teammates and Gambit's rivals from the past split, so it is very important for me to play on my highest level. I will do everything I can not to disappoint the team and its fans. After all, how can Worlds be without Gambit?

En målrettet midlaner er nu klar på EU LCS, hvor han vil gøre sit, for at Gambit Gaming skal komme til verdensmesterskaberne. Sommersæsonen af EU LCS starter den 20. maj klokken 16.30 dansk tid og kan følges her på Gaming.dk.