"Familien kommer i første række", det er noget, de fleste mennesker kan nikke genkende til, og sådan er det også for den nu tidligere Gambit Gaming spiller, Aleksei "Alex Ich" Ichetovkin, da han fra dags dato forlader det russiske LCS mandskab.

Selvom holdet startede godt ud i LCS og længe lå helt i toppen, endte det med en skuffende femteplads i ligaen. I slutspillet startede russerne ud med et stort nederlag til ROCCAT, hvorefter de sikrede sig fortsat deltagelse i LCS med en sejr over Copenhagen Wolves. Det er dog disse skuffende præstationer kombineret med personlige forhold, der gør, at Alex Ich nu forlader sine landsmænd, det siger han i en udtalelse til Gambit Gamings hjemmeside.


  • Evgeny "Darien" Mazaev - Top
  • Danil "Diamondprox" Reshetnikov - Jungle
  • Evgeny "Genja" Andryushin - ADC
  • Edward "Edward" Abgaryan - Support

Organisationen gjorde sit til at holde på Alex Ich, men det var i sidste ende ikke nok.

1) The primary option was to create a secondary Gambit Gaming roster with Alex Ich in charge of it. That would allow him to resume his gaming career as well as to develop upcoming players, while suffering minimal negative consequences. On top of that, Alexey could rejoin our core roster in case of a dire need in order to accomplish our formulated goals, to be more specific, to qualify to and to successfully perform at Worlds.
2) The most complicated solution was for Alexey and his family to move to Cologne. We don't want to overburden you with the details required to carry this option out, but it is manageable.

In the end, Alexey decided to leave Gambit Gaming. Our common journey has lasted for more than two years, and Alexey proved to be a top-notch player, his skills aided us in securing multiple victories. We would like to thank Alexey for his contribution to the development of our team and organization as well as to wish him luck in his future endeavours.

Hovedpersonen selv har givet en lang og uddybende udtalelse til organisationens hjemmeside, hvor et lille uddrag kan læses herunder.

We have spent the past year in constant flight and travelling. We couldn't practice decently over the course of two days that we had between play days and flights. I have barely seen my family and didn't have a chance to spend time with them, since upon coming home I had to immediately commit to training: time is money.
All of it has exhausted me and took away a lot of energy. I could deal with it as a long as we had good results. But since Spring 2013 our play was only getting worse and got worse to the point that we had to prove that we are worthy of an LCS spot.

Det er endnu ikke offentliggjort, hvorvidt Alex Ich fortsætter sin League of Legends karriere eller, om han sætter den på pause for at nyde tilværelsen med sin familie. Ligeledes har Gambit Gaming ikke offentliggjort nogen erstatning for den 22-årige russer.