Curse annoncerede tidligere deres nye tiltag, som var en tilføjelse til det succesfulde League of Legends. Tiltaget - som gik under navnet Curse Voice - har til formål at gøre det nemmere at holde styr på forskellige tider på objekter som dragen og Baron. Fra dag et var der dog uvisheder omkring, hvorvidt det overhovedet var tilladt, da Riot Games ikke tillader 3. part programmer.
I de sidste par uger har snakken gået på diverse foras omkring Curse Voice, og om hvorvidt man overhovedet måtte bruge det. Ifølge Riot Games' egne regler tillader de nemlig kun hjælpeprogrammer, hvis de selv har lavet dem - det var dog ikke tilfældet her.
I dag har Riot så valgt at give en endelig melding omkring brugen og programmet, og de slår fast, at det ikke er tilladt at benytte. Valget omkring at banlyse programmet forklarer det succesfulde firma med følgende ord.
Two elements of Curse Voice aren’t allowed under this new policy:
1. Automated timers: while our design team is still exploring whether we’d want to add any kind of built-in timers to League of Legends, we agree with many of you that having it accessible only through a third-party app is a clear competitive advantage between those who download it and those who do not, and isn’t acceptable. 2. Automated voice calls: We have no problem with players hopping on Curse Voice (or any other voice chat client) to coordinate with their friends in-game, but when the application begins directly connecting you with dozens of other people in unfiltered (and untrackable) voice chats, it can make for a huge negative player experience in a space where we can’t help.
Ultimately we recognize that our initial third party application policies were unclear, so we’re clarifying them in line with a few core philosophies:
1.) The League of Legends in-game experience should be consistent and fair.
2.) We strive to make League of Legends the most sportsmanlike competitive game.
3.) We want the community to be empowered to contribute to the League of Legends experience.
This has allowed us to formulate a more comprehensive policy for third party applications:
No software should interfere with the League of Legends player experience between when you press “Play” and the end of game screen.
We always want to improve League of Legends in the best ways possible, so this will be an ongoing project, but we think that as long as we adhere to our core philosophies, we can uphold this policy.