Et af Danmarks bedste Counter-Strike: Global Offensive mandskaber har i dag valgt at gå hver til sit. Dette kommer i kølvandet af dårlige præstationer, hvor blandt andet en 9.-16. plads til Copenhagen Games 2014 kan nævnes
Ambitionerne for danske 3DMAX var i top, da de tidligere på året deltog ved EMS One Katowice. Dog gik det ikke, som mandskabet havde håbet, og de røg ud til Team LDLC, selvom de i store dele af kampen var foran. Som sagt var Copenhagen Games 2014 heller ikke nogen succes, da de røg ud til landsmændende fra Reason Gaming.
- Lukas "gla1ve" Rossander
- Jacob "Pimp" Winneche
- Mathias "MSL" Lauridsen
- Philip "aizy" Aistrup
- Nichlas "Nille" Busk fik fat i en af holdets spillere, Mathias "MSL" Lauridsen, der siger følgende omkring deres valg:
Det har været et hold med op og ned ture, men vi fik det aldrig rigtig til at fungere, fordi vi manglet en dedikeret og god AWP-spiller og vi besluttet at spille 5 ak-colts i stedet. Det virket ikke, og da vi kom hjem, havde vi stadig ingen awp spiller, og det endte ud i, at vi droppede det. Jeg ønsker alle på holdet held og lykke i fremtiden, og jeg glæder mig til at spille med noget nyt kød, så der kan komme mere motivation tilbage! peace out
So today is another sad day in my Counter Strike career. 3DMAX is no longer a united team, and we will therefore split up. The decision was made a few days after Copenhagen Games.
We lost a game we should have won, leading against our Danish mates from Reason but in the end losing it, and we went out in a very disappointing 9-16th place. We also went to Katowice with high hopes, that time with Raalz on our roster, but it went bad as well. We were leading big-time against LDLC, who eventually showed themselves as the better team and turned around the game, and sent us out just before the quarter-final stage.
Those two disappointing results were just too much for us to handle. Shortly after Copenhagen Games some internal disagreements were brought up, which resulted in what we see today.
MSL and Nille have already found themselves some nice teams to join, to continue their campaign in CSGO, while gla1ve and aizy are still left without a team to play on. Those two will try to stick together and maybe build something new, and whatever it ends with best of luck to all of them.