For en kort stund siden annoncerede Ninjas in Pyjamas, at deres League of Legends-hold ikke længere var en del af organisationen. Det betød, at holdets danske toplaner, Morten "Zorozero" Rosenquist, nu stod uden et hjem.
Efter CLG mistede deres toplaner, Zach "Nien" Malhas, har de været på udkig efter en erstatning. Zorozero fik derefter tilbuddet om at komme på holdet og derved spille i den amerikanske version af LCS. Dog valgte danskeren at sige nej tak, da han blandt andet vil tilbage til skolebænken.
I realized that I rather wanted to finish my last year at school. I thought a lot about the option but decided against it. The reason I didn't accept the offer from CLG is a mixture of different aspects. One of the reasons is that I'm not satisfied with my motivation and gameplay lately. Another is that I miss my friends and family. Last of all, I also miss the element of having a daily scheme. Don't get me wrong the past year where I have been playing has been wonderful.
Selvom venner og familie kalder nu, vil Morten "Zorozero" Rosenquist ikke stoppe med at spille League of Legends, og han har i planerne at vende tilbage til scenen efter et år i skolen.
I'm not gonna stop playing for good. I will keep on playing. Maybe have a bit of presence in the Coke scene as a substitute for some teams. Then when I'm done with my year and still got it, hopefully come back to the pro scene.
Om hvorvidt Zorozero atter engang kommer tilbage i LCS, kan kun tiden vise. Hvor så I ham helst spille?