Casper "cadiaN" Møller har i en længere periode været at finde hos mousesports, men fra dags dato vil Andre "nooky" Utesch erstatte danskerens plads som den taktiske leder på holdet.
Mandskabet deltog i sidste weekend til EMS Katowice, hvor de ikke just præsterede prangende og måtte tage hjem med en 13.-16. plads i bagagen.
- Chris "chrisJ" de Jong
- Nikola "LEGIJA" Ninic
- Andre "nooky" Utesch
- Johannes "tabseN" Wodarz
- Tizian "tiziaN" Feldbusch
Den nye spiller på holdkortet ytrer følgende til organisationens hjemmeside:
After I've missed to qualify for the EMS One 2014 with my former team, we realized that the roster wouldn't last any longer, so I made up my mind about how my personal career in esports should continue. My initial plan was to get some distance, however the mouz players approached me, if I would like to join them. Quickly I was certain that I simply 'love' CS and that I will take this opportunity to attack once more. I personally see a lot of potential in the team, although they've been knocked out in the EMS One groupstages and I will give my very best to improve the team even further and hopefully win some more tournaments. Special thanks to our sponsors BenQ, EpicGear and XMG!
Ligeledes udtaler cadiaN følgende:
I wanna say thank you to the mousesport fans, staff, players and sponsors BenQ, EpicGear and XMG for a pleasant journey! I wish you all good luck for the future events and go rock the scene!
Det tyske mandskab er nu hoppet i træningslejren for at gøre sig klar til den næste event. Om den velkendte nooky kan hjælpe holdet til succes, vil tiden vise.