Det er ikke længe siden, at n!faculty og unu.AiN søgte nye græsgange, men allerede i dag har holdet fundet en ny organisation at repræsentere - i form af 3DMAX.

Holdet har deres debut under deres nye organisation i aften, når de skal møde svenske LGB eSports i Fnatic FragOut League Season 3.


  • Lukas "gla1ve" Rossander
  • Philip "aizy" Aistrup
  • Mathias "MSL" Lauridsen
  • Jacob "Pimp" Winneche
  • Rasmus "raalz" Steensborg

Holdets spiller, Jacob "Pimp" Winneche, ytrer følgende på sin Facebook-side:

Ever since it became clear that n!faculty was no longer an option for us, we have been looking for another home to stay in. It quickly became apparent that the CSGO organization market as it is right now, is having a hard time. That basically resulted in few offers, maybe fewer than expected, but luckily enough the one we needed landed! From this moment I'm proud to represent 3DMAX in theirs and our journey to become an international top team once again. Lately we have been working hard to claim our way back to a respectable level of playing.

A big shoutout to 3DMAX for believing in our project, and their partners for supporting us with the financial aspect of the game!

Sidste gang den franske organisation havde et Counter-Strike: Global Offensive hold under vingerne, var i november. Hvor længe dette ophold kommer til at vare, vil tiden vise.