Det svenske mandskab, LGB eSports, har valgt at fjerne Mikail "eksem" Bill og Alexander "SKYTTEN" Carlsson fra holdkortet for at hive den nu tidligere SK Gaming-duo, Isak "cype" Rydman og Simon "twist" Eliasson, ind i varmen.
LGB eSports har ellers præsteret flot på det seneste, hvor de i den grad overraskede til DreamHack Winter 2013 ved at hive en 5. - 8. plads i hus. Senere blev det til en andenplads i Svecup, efter de led et nederlag til Ninjas in Pyjamas i finalen - i en kamp, hvor LGB eSports leverede en flot indsats ved blandt andet at vinde det ene map.
- Dennis "dennis" Edman
- Freddy "KRiMZ" Johansson
- Olof "olofm" Kajbjer
- Simon "twist" Eliasson
- Isak "cype" Rydman har fanget holdets danske manager, Kevin "KevZ" Mikkelsen, som siger følgende om den nye startfemmer.
We are pleased to announce a new chapter starting in LGB in form of two new players joining our CS:GO ranks.
It is always sad to see great players leave, but despite the results, the team felt they could not evolve their gameplay any further, and that led to a mutual agreement between players and LGB eSports on letting Maikel “eksem” Bill and Alexander “SKYTTEN” Carlsson, follow another road.
To cover the loss of two great players we want to welcome Isak “cype” Rydman and Simon “twist” Eliasson into LGB eSports.
We want to thank Maikel and Alex for the amazing journey we had together and wish them the best of luck in the future. In addition, a big thanks all of our sponsors Xtrfy, Gunnar Glasses, Crucial, MaxFPS and Orcbite and our fans for their continuous support.
En af holdets nye ansigter, twist, ytrede ligeledes nogle ord.
We're really happy to be here and we feel comfortable about this new lineup.
We are really looking forward to the upcoming tournaments and we think we will be able to achieve some good results.
A Big thanks to LGB eSports, Xtrfy, Gunnar Glasses, Crucial, MaxFPS and Orcbite for their support.
Holdets næste store opgave bliver i Polen, når EMS One Katowice afvikles, hvor LGB eSports har fået en invitation til turneringen, hvor de skal prøve kræfter med hold som Ninjas in Pyjamas, Titan eSports og über G33KZ.