Et af de få polske hold, Meet Your Makers, har netop annonceret en ændring på holdkortet, da Piotr "peet" Ćwikliński ikke længere er at finde på holdet grundet interne problemer. I stedet træder Michał "michu" Müller frem og skal i fremtiden erstatte peet på holdet.

Holdet har netop kvalificeret sig til de polske finaler i EMS One Katowice, hvor michu nu skal hjælpe holdet på rette vej.


  • Mariusz "Loord" Cybulski
  • Bartosz "Hyper" Wolny
  • Pawel "innocent" Mocek
  • Jacek "minise" Jeziak
  • Michał "michu" Müller

Den nye spiller på holdet, michu, udtaler følgende til organisationens hjemmeside:

Earlier I represented such teams such as: GF-Gaming, Imperium Gamers and HEROES. I am extremely happy to join MYM since I will be able to represent one of the best organizations in the world and play on the highest level. Our main goal right now is training and getting ready for the upcoming EMS One in Katowice.

Yderligere ytrer holdets manager, Łukasz "Prawus" Ganczewski, følgende:

Greetings! Ahead of us is the biggest tournament in the career of this team which is EMS One in Katowice of course. We are currently in the process of playing the Polish qualifiers. I’m assuming most people don’t approve of roster changes so close to such an important event however it’s visible that changes are needed and I hope that they will benefit the team. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Piotr for his time in MYM and wish him the best in his e-sport and private life. I’d also like to warmly welcome the youngest member of our team, Michał ‘MICHU’ Müller. The entire team is optimistic about the game and I hope it will stay this way for a long time. As I already wrote, our closest event is the Polish and European qualifications for Katowice so we can qualify and come to Spodek, Katowice.

Om denne udskiftning kan hjælpe holdet til at overhale deres polske konkurrenter, vil tiden vise.