Tidligere i dag kunne vi her på Gaming.dk bringe nyheden om, at League of Legends-mandskabet hos den tyske organisation, ALTERNATE, med øjeblikkelig virkning ville forlade deres hjem for at gå på jagt efter et nyt. Deres nye organisation er de så allerede klar til at annoncere nu.

Adrian "Kerp" Wetekam og resten af holdet vil fremover være at finde under navnet Millenium. Den franske organisation har sikret sig et League of Legends Championship Series-hold blot en uge før starten lyder på den kommende sæson.


  • Kevin "Kev1n" Rubiszewski - Top
  • Alvar "Araneae" Martin Aleñar - Jungle
  • Adrian "Kerp" Wetekam - Mid
  • Jakub "Creaton" Grzegorzewski - AD
  • Alexander "Jree" Bergström - Support

Holdets jungler, Alvar "Araneae" Martin Aleñar, siger følgende omkring deres nye organisation til deres hjemmeside:

We are pretty excited and happy to found on Millenium such a good play to compete. I personally know a lot of Millenium and Im really looking forward to work together for a long time. We are Millenium!

Yderligere havde holdets træner, Jean-Marc "Bjoran" Gaudin, også lidt at ytre:

There some time , Cedric Page President Millenium had said in an interview that a major objective of the company in 2014 should be to have a League of Legends team in LCS , as head of the section was obviously he had to find a solution to meet this objective .

In December I went with Llewellys in Cologne for the " up and down" as a spectator but also and especially in the goal of all the opportunities and position ourselves as a structure in search of a team to season 2014.

The logic was that we turned to one of the teams newly qualified but it is another team has contacted us in the days that followed namely ex -Alternate and this option has quickly made unanimously within Millennium.

The presence of Creaton who was also present at Cologne has largely facilitated contacts .

This recruitment is a real teamwork as to finalize such a project must involve a financial, media strength and appropriate supervision and it is with great pleasure that we can announce that the team will play under Millenium colors for 2014 season.

The objectives will be first of all to continue in different "split" but you could see last season that without injury Creaton this team could finish above 5th place , earning some places seems therefore not impossible if all goes well .

Holdet skal i aktion for første gang hos deres nye organisation den 14. januar, hvor 4. sæson af LCS skydes i gang. Sidste sæson gjorde holdet det godt, og nu skal de så igen levere varen - dog under et nyt navn denne gang.