Det er ikke mange dage siden, at Riot valgte at offentliggøre retningslinjer for de professionelle League of Legends-spillere, der til dagligt streamer. I højere og højere grad er flere League of Legends-spillere nemlig begyndt at streame andre spil, når de streamer League of Legends, og det var det, Riot satte ind mod.

Oprindeligt var udtalelsen fra Riot forholdsvis grov og gav sådan set ikke spillerne lov til at spille andet end League of Legends, når de streamede. Mange af streamerne er nemlig begyndt at spille andre små spil, mens de venter i queue.

Riots hårde udtalelse fik dog ikke just positive ord med på vejen, da de postede det på Reddit. Faktisk var så mange sure over det, at Riot i dag har valgt at justere reglerne igen, så de ikke er så hårde.

Oprindeligt var udtalelsen:

We say this all the time: we want League of Legends to be a legitimate sport. There are some cool things that come from that (salaried professional athletes, legitimate revenue streams, visas, Staples Center), but there’s also a lot of structural work that needs to be done to ensure a true professional setting.

We recognize there may be some differences of opinion in the perception of pro players’ streams. In the past, pro gamers only had to worry about their personal brands when streaming and, at most, may have had to worry about not using the wrong brand of keyboard to keep their sponsor happy. Now, however, these guys are professionals contracted to a professional sports league. When they’re streaming to 50,000 fans, they’re also representing the sport itself.

I can’t stress enough how these guys in the LCS are on the road to being real, legitimate athletes. This is new territory for a lot of teams (especially in esports), because the transition goes from being a group of talented individuals to being real icons of a sport and a league. Similarly, you probably wouldn’t see an NFL player promoting Arena Football or a Nike-sponsored player wearing Reebok on camera. Pro players are free to play whatever games they want – we’re simply asking them to keep in mind that, on-stream, they’re the face of competitive League of Legends.
I dag har Riot dog som nævnt tidligere valgt at trække lidt i land og ændre ved reglerne. Det gjorde de med følgende udtalelse:
Hey everyone,

There’s been a ton of discussion around our LCS team contracts, which stipulated active LCS players couldn’t stream a variety of other games.

First, background on why we did this: there’ve been instances of other game studios trying to buy access to League fans by using (or trying to use) LCS teams/players to promote their competing games on stream.

The way we chose to deal with this was clearly an overreach. It hit our goal of preventing companies from advertising through LCS players, but it also encroached on pros’ ability to have fun and entertain viewers during long Challenger queues – and we realize that’s not cool.

After reading all of your comments and having a LOT of internal debate over the last 24 hours, we’re going to be changing the LCS team requirement to something that more closely matches our intent. While under contract to the LCS, teams and players can’t accept sponsorship from other game companies to promote other titles. Besides that, they are free to stream any games they want.

I'll be hanging around to answer questions if you guys have any. Thanks for helping us make a better decision on this.
Som det kan læses ovenover, så har spilfirmaer simpelthen købt de professionelle League of Legends-spillere for at promote deres eget spil. Oprindeligt måtte de slet ikke streame andre spil, men nu har Riot altså pillet lidt ved kontraktreglerne igen, så de gerne må spillet andre spil, mens de er i queue.