De fleste LCS hold er vendt tilbage til gaminghuse for at forberede sig frem mod den nye sæson, hvor en patch med en masse ændringer skal studeres. Det er dog ikke gået stille for sig her i efterårsperioden, hvor Gambit Gaming og Fnatic allerede har annonceret udskiftninger.

Derudover har Lemondogs mistet hele deres hold, da alle spillere har fundet andre hold. Derfor var der kun Evil Geniuses og Team ALTERNATE tilbage, som ikke havde fortaget ændringer. Selv om førstnævnte se ud til at skifte ud, så er det ALTERNATE som i dag har offentliggjort en udskiftning.

Carl "ForellenLord" Lückmanner er i dag fortid på LCS-holdet, hvilket har været rygtet igennem de seneste uger. Grunden til dette skulle være, at gejsten på holdet ikke var den samme som førhen, og der derfor var brug for ændringer. Selv udtaler tyskeren i et statement:

Hi lol nerds, followers, folks, youngsters and oldsters,
Gotta do an announcement:
Some may already knew, some heard, some did guess, I am going to leave my Team. Or better formulated: They replaced me.
The question is why? There are some reasons, some I'd agree to, some I definitely do not agree. Overall a lot of misunderstanding, different dedication and too less goodwill to fix the issues. You guys may dont like my words, but I'm not going into details of these problems and issues. I dont wanna talk bad about my teammates I spend over a year together. Considering my ingame performance, what you guys actually see was, that I didnt play enough heroes. I didnt adapt fast enough to the assassins meta game (Zed, Fizz, older meta Jayce). Whatsoever I had a really great time in Eloblade, in Alternate. I enjoyed the dream of Eloblade ruling over the world. My most exciting moment qualifying for the LCS after such a hard battle and comeback. The dominance of the newcomers, partying after 5:0 standings.
Then, the fall back, we started slacking. Creaton broke his Hand, myself making me unable to play for one week(worst decision of my life). After the comeback the team atmosphere was different. Less love, less trust, less dedication to win as a team. In the end, we arrived at the playoffs in a not deserved way. In the playoffs we had our fighting spirit back like we had it in the early days of the team. But EG prepared better, and won a well deserved match up.
After the gamescom we made a long break. In the later days of November my team informed me they think about replacing me. My journey has ended in the team. I wish my team The best luck and fun in the next season with their famous new guy. May they make their goals become true.
My journey in E-sports has not ended. Apparently I didnt archive my goal to become part of a top3 team in Europe. Yet we will see what the next day will bring. I'm still on fire and motivated to play League of Legends. To play in a Team. And maybe dream big again.
So what did last? Only one thing. Soloqueue. Oh yeah. Need to get the crone of number one soloqueue player back, or better called as the EloLord.
Keep track of it: Back to the roots.

Holdet har dog ikke fundet en permanent erstatning. En spiller for Team ALTERNATE gav dog et kort interview på holdets hjemmeside, hvor han fortæller, at Kev1n er inviteret til deres gaming house, for at spille med dem frem mod Battle of the Atlantic. Derudover prøver holdet at flytte Kerp fra Top til Mid.

What will happen to the Team now? And why was Kev1n (former SK player) at the Team ALTERNATE LAN-House?
The Team has to look forward to the "NA and EU LCS Clash in Battle of the Atlantic" Tournament in 2 weeks and prepare for it, even without ForellenLord. For this reason we invited Kevin "Kev1n" Rubiszewski to our LAN-House. He will play the Top-Lane for this Tournament, while Adrian "Kerp" Wetekam to Mid-Lane moves.

Will this be the new official Team ALTERNATE Roster?
No, it's not! By now, Kev1n will just play this Tournament with us. The official Roster for Season 4 will be announced just in time, so wait for our next news!

So, what's left to say now?
We are thanking ForellenLord for an awesome time with us! Good Luck with your future plans! And for now: Hi Kev1n, let's kick some... "ashes" (Team ALTERNATE/Araneae Fans will know what we mean) at the Battle of the Atlantic Tournament!

Holdet har dog ikke langt tid til at tilpasse eventuelle roller og personer på holdet, da den næste sæson begynder i starten af det nye år. Kevin "Kev1n" Rubiszewski ligner dog en rigtig god erstatning, da den tidligere SK Gaming spiller har vist fremragende spil det seneste år.

Team ALTERNATE til Battle of the Atlantic:

  • Kevin "Kev1n" Rubiszewski - Top (Tryout)
  • Alvar "Araneae" Martin Aleñar - Jungle
  • Adrian "Kerp" Wetekam - Mid
  • Jakub "Creaton" Grzegorzewski - ADC
  • Alexander "Jree" Bergström - Support

Derudover kan der nævnes, at det amerikanske powerhold CLG, har annonceret, at Brian "TrickZ" Ahn alligevel ikke bliver en del af holdet. I stedet er den tidligere Lemondogs-jungler Marcel "dexter" Feldkamp blevet hentet ind som tryout. Zaqueri "Aphromoo" Black er ligeledes fortsat tryout som support for CLG.