Efter et par turbulente måneder for det danske hold, ESC Gaming, har kaptajnen nu valgt at kaste håndklædet i ringen og med øjeblikkelig virkning nedlægge mandskabet, det skriver Sune "crZy" Hansen på sin Facebook side.

Efter en delt 9.-16. plads ved Copenhagen Games valgte Peter "Inzta" Kragelund at forlade holdet. Derefter røg Martin "cENTRYZ" Brandal en tur på porten for at gøre plads til Lukas "gla1ve" Rossander og Philip "aizy" Aistrup. De to sidstnævnte forlod dog hurtigt holdet, der nu stod med en startfemmer bestående af tre spillere. Disse tre har dog opgivet forsøget på at finde de sidste to spillere, hvilket fører til lukningen af ESC Gamings Counter-Strike hold.

ESC Gaming var:

  • Sune "crZy" Hansen
  • Jesper "tenzki" Plougmann
  • Morten "coloN" Johansen

Herunder kan der læses et udsnit af den status, som crZy offentliggjorde på Facebook.

Today is a sad day for not only the Danish scene, but also personally for me, for our team & the ones which always supported us.

I hereby announce the disbandment of ESC Gaming.dk CS:GO team.
Several reasons have been the cause of this, we have been trying to establish a starting 5 which could last for more than 1 event together, with the Danish scene, it's more or less impossible.
After our Copenhagen Games adventure, where we did pretty good, Inzta decided to leave us for a team that never got to be anything, even though all of our players declined that specific offer. Which left us in a really bad situation.

The team decided to remove cENTRYZ from the starting 5(which was a huge mistake), to bring in gla1ve & aizy which after countless times asked us to join, we couldn't see any other option than to bring them in to stand the strongest, and to represent ESC Gaming at the best possible way.

That left us in an even worse situation than before, since aizy decided to leave the team, and gla1ve following up.
Many thoughts have gone through me, coloN & tenzkis head, we feel like we are a stable 3 that can compete with the best, but it's hard to play 3on5 all the time.

Alle tre spillere vil dog stadig være at finde på den danske scene, men crZy ønsker ikke at oplyse os om, hvilke hold spillerne fremover kommer til at figurere på.