Selvom juletiden så småt begynder at være over os, så har Valve ikke i sinde at holde fri. Det amerikanske firma, der står bag succesen Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, er nemlig i gang med at finpudse en gammel kending fra Counter-Strike: Source og Counter-Strike 1.6: de_cbble.

de_cbble er dog ikke det eneste, Valve har kigget på. Et helt nyt map er nemlig blevet lavet, som går under navnet de_overpass. Mere om det map senere i artiklen.


Indtil videre har de_cbble ikke været en del af Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, men det har Valve nu i sinde at lave om. De er i gang med at foretage adskillige ændringer, som gerne skulle få mappet tilbage på et turnerings niveau.

Ifølge Valve selv er det følgende, de ændrer på.

De_cbble’s uniquely large scale meant it was a lot of fun on servers with lots of players. Our goal was to retain this aspect while making the map more interesting and viable for more intimate 5v5 play.

The original map fell out of favor for several reasons. For one, its paths to bomb sites were long and disconnected from each other, ending in tight choke points. This meant that teams were unable to react and change strategy mid-round. The same choke points that made it difficult to plant bombs made it near-impossible to re-take a site and defuse a bomb in time. The lack of strategic options made de_cbble’s gameplay feel limited and monotonous.

Our second goal was to upgrade the map to keep pace with continually evolving tactics and team strategies of CS players. As a result, de_cbble is now more fluid, offering additional tactical choices in specific situations where the old map had none.

De fortsætter med.

Players in the original de_cbble felt out of scale, as if they were in a “land of giants”. While the updated version is built on the same footprint, its scale has been carefully brought back to a more human level by the addition of realistic details, and breaking up large bare surfaces. Natural extensions of the environment have been transformed to serve as many of the cover locations seasoned Cobble players expect. An architectural theme progression from tall and massive central buildings to low, partially open edges helps players orient themselves wherever they are in the level.

Det gamle de_cbble, som vi kender det, var plaget at mange mørke og lukkede områder, hvilket der nu vil blive taget hånd om i den nye opdatering.

The old version of de_cbble featured many dark and enclosed areas, which added to the restrictive feel of the linear paths and hallways. In the new version we’ve opened up the edges of the map to let the sunlight in. We also got rid of some ceilings, allowing players to throw flashbangs and other grenades over walls before attempting to capture the bomb sites. Additionally, a new stairwell now connects the side (Long A) to the underpass.

Hvis man havde i sinde at løbe mod B for at plante bomben som Terrorist, så var der mere eller mindre kun en enkelt vej derhen. Der er nu tilføjet flere nye ting på vejen mod B-sitet, så der er flere muligheder.

The tunnel entrance to bomb site B was historically one of the most challenging parts of the level, as it was the only way to enter the bomb site. There are now more choices available to the Terrorist team trying to push through the choke point, including an elevated route that overlooks the main entrance and leads to a new one-way drop.

På det sidste billedet kan man se, at bombestedet er blevet placeret langt tættere på indgangen end tidligere set. På den måde vil det være lettere at komme ind på sitet og få plantet relativt hurtigt.

Bomb site B itself has been moved closer to the entrances, slightly reducing the time it takes players to get to the site. To make combat more interesting and varied in this area, a small hill and diagonal wall provide partial cover between the tunnel entrance and the bomb site.


Som skrevet tidligere i artiklen, så har Valve valgt at lave et helt nyt map. Idéen med dette map er at få mere gang i kampene. Det skal forstås på den måde, at der er rigtig mange åbne steder, hvor det vil være oplagt at gå efter overtalsfordelen.

Selv siger Valve følgende om de_overpass.

Overpass is a brand new map for CSGO, featuring fast-paced gameplay in a European setting. The GSG9 have been tasked with defending a stalled military shipment on the canal overpass, and the Phoenix faction can either attack the shipment head-on or attempt to take down the overpass itself.

The map is composed of two very distinct environments, with the lower part of the map set in an open canal and the other in a public park. The overpass pillar (below) is a clear target for the Phoenix faction. CTs will have to push into the site to safely protect it. The openness of the environment means that Ts are able to smoke and flash the site before going in.

Hele produceringen af de_overpass har bygget på det, som Valve har lært af deres reproduktion af mirage. Yderligere skriver Valve på deres hjemmeside, at den massive feedback fra spillerne i Counter-Strike: Global Offensive har bidraget en del også.

Der står intet om, hvordan de to nye maps vil blive offentliggjort, men Valve understreger, at de arbejder hårdt på at få dem klar. Hvordan synes I om deres to annonceringer?