Finlands absolut bedste mandskab har fået to nye ansigter på holdkortet i form af Tom "stonde" Glad og den nu tidligere mousesports-stjerne Aleksi "allu" Jalli - det har den franske organisation netop offentliggjort på deres hjemmeside.

Holdet har ellers holdt fast i den samme startopstilling siden Assembly Summer, men nu er Timo "reflex" Rintala og Mikko "xartE" Välimaa blevet skåret fra i jagten på endnu større bedrifter i det nye år. I slutningen af 2014 begyndte det at gå ned ad bakke for holdet efter et flot efterår, som kulminerede, da Dreamhack Winter kvalifikationen glippede.


  •  Taneli "disturbed" Veikkola
  •  Jesse "KHRN" Grandell
  •  Joona "natu" Leppänen
  •  Tom "stonde" Glad
  •  Aleksi "allu" Jalli

Mandskabets erfarne kaptajn, Joona "natu" Leppänen, siger følgende om baggrunden for de to nye ansigter hos 3DMAX.

We’ve all seen the later parts of 2014 were not a happy time in the 3DMAX camp, as it was clearly visible to many of you guys watching us play. We did not perform up to any standards disappointing ourselves but all our fans and followes alike. It was evident things needed to change and with the year changing, that time was fast approaching.

We enter the new year with a fresh lineup that brings a versatile set of tools for us to use. We’ve taken a lot of thought into choosing these five players going forward. Counter-Strike nowadays needs a ton of skill, excellent communicating skills and ability to react to situations in a correct manner – collectively. These have been our main fundamentals when gathering up this lineup. Our goal is to finally bring Finland where it belongs on the Counter-Strike map.

We are delighted to bring in both allu and stonde into our lineup. They both bring in qualities that any functioning team loves to have and I can’t wait to start working with the guys.

Det betyder også, at mousesports nu mangler en spiller, da en af deres bærende kræfter forlader dem for at vende hjem til sine nationale medspillere. allu er dog fast besluttet på, at Finland endelig får et tophold.

Time has come to me go back where I started. My journey with mousesports was a really good exprience and I think i grew alot as a person and a player these past months, but all has to come to an end. After me and my former teammates discussed about future we came to a common decission that its better if me and mouz go our seperate ways. I would like to thank my former teammates for the good times we had and mousesports as a organisation whos staff has been always very nice and professional. So im happy to announce that i will once again play in a finnish team. We are all really looking forward to play with eachother again and finally put finland back on the map. With the backing of 3DMAXX and our motivation this is the first time I truly believe it is possible after so long in the darkness.

Som mange nok havde forudset, har Fatih "gob b" Dayik netop underskrevet en kontrakt med mousesports, og han bliver dermed deres nye kaptajn, som skal lede tyskerne mod sejr. Der er dog endnu ikke meldt noget ud om den sidste tomme plads, men mousesports skriver, at det fulde hold snart vil blive præsenteret.